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Talk:Dimebag Darrell

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Dimebag Murdered


Yeah, that's what I've been reading..what a loss to the metal world. Another band member dead, too Someone walked onto stage & started shooting....he's also dead 5 dead, 2 injured---1 critical You can read article updated 45 min ago.....nbc4i.com

He's gone, I'm near Detroit and the cops were talking about it on the police bands.

its a sad truth and a realety that we all have to face up to


this is the shocking video report of that night, please note this is quite shocking

Local news story



(It's true.)


I cant believe hes dead, Its incredible, We will never forget him. I believe either bob zilla or pat lachman died with him, since they are close on stage.

Suggestions on messageboards that it's a publicity stunt, though I'm unconvinced TBH. It seems unlikely so many news agencies would be fooled

This really needs a revert. It currently contains a bio of Dave Mustaine Tom k&e 13:55, 9 Dec 2004 (UTC)

dimebag is an isperation to the way that i play, i own the dean dime o flage model and it rocks.

bobzilla couldent have been killed since he was a guest at namm 2007 and there has been allot of storys about pat making a new band!

i do beleve that 3 other pepole were killed but i think that it would be obseen to just decide that it was any of the band members!

if you hear anything about vinnies or pats new bands could u post it on here or e mail me at j_talbot05@hotmail.co.uk

Not just Dimebag was killed


Is the death of the two audience members any less important? I suppose it doesen't matter if you die and your not famous. Only stars get into heaven. Sorry Dimebag, you deserved better.

I hope it's clear that Wikipedia is a work of reference, and the other individuals, though their deaths were just as tragic, are not notable for individual inclusion. Wikipedia is not a general obituary file. --Dhartung | Talk 14:06, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)
You might want to note tho that Nathan Bray (one othe audience members who got shot) ran to the stage after Dimebag fell and tried to perform CPR, and got also shot. A martyr. // Gargaj 13:00, 2004 Dec 12 (UTC)

Photos of those involved in the shooting


Pix have been posted on the NBC website. I don't know what restrictions are on use of these images, but here are the links:

Nathan Gale http://images.ibsys.com/2004/1209/3984911_200X150.jpg (this is a photo from 'myspace',if you search for 'nathan gale' this will be the 10th result,he has no friends except 'tom' and the last login is Jul 5, 2006 2:26 PM ,very doubtfull that it was/is his account since it was accessed afetr his death.know what i mean?) Officer James D. Niggemeyer http://images.ibsys.com/2004/1209/3985007_200X150.jpg

Erin Halk http://images.ibsys.com/2004/1209/3985283_200X150.jpg

TimothyPilgrim 20:28, Dec 9, 2004 (UTC)

These are wire service images or digitizations and are not republishable under the Wikipedia license terms. They should not be used in the article. --Dhartung | Talk 14:07, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

vinnie paul


Was he the hostage or the gunman? The article is unclear, and I don't want to edit it since I have no clue myself.[[User:GregNorc|GregNorc|Talk]]

Vinnie Paul *may* have been the hostage, but I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else.

Obvioulsy Vinnie Paul, being a band member and already on-stage was not the gunman, plus the gunman is NAMED in the article. Selphie 11:12, 10 Dec 2004 (UTC)**

For the record, Vinne Paul is Darrell's brother

Please find a source that the hostage was Vinnie Paul. Saying "the hostage may or may not have been Vinnie Paul" is just pointless. Saying "some sources report that the hostage was Vinnie Paul" is okay if you can give a source, but so far I have found zero newspaper articles saying that was the case, but I've found a few that specifically say "audience member hostage". — [[User:Flamurai|flamuraiTM]] 12:34, Dec 21, 2004 (UTC)

I can't remember where said it - its been over a week since i read it but it ws eitehr nbc4i in America or the BBC. or it might have been someone else!! Selphie 12:50, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC) **

There were reports at first that another band member was killed, and most of the speculation was that it was Vinnie Paul. In the end, it seems Vinnie was escorted off the stage before any harm could come to him. Possibly due to Jeff Thompson's efforts. No one else in the band was harmed. Early reports may have suggested otherwise. THe hostage was an audience member. MrHate 23:50, Dec 22, 2004 (UTC)

How the hell could Vinnie be the gunman?? Its like saying Steven Hawkings was the gunman..! Hail DIMEBAG DARRELL

Vinnie Paul was not the hostage. John "Kat" Brooks was

Technical Abilities


The article criticizes Dimebag for showing little technical knowledge in some areas...unfairly I think. Here's a vid of him playing all sorts of stuff even before Pantera hit it big...if you can play Spanish Fly, you have _amazing_ tapping ability, which is something the article criticizes him for. Anyway, something to think about.




was there a song written about dimebags death that praised the murderer, i saw it somewhere but am unsure if it was a credible source as to add it here

Washburn Dimebag Models


Anyone know where to find information on Dimebags Washburn models?



I just saw the Pantera: Behind the Music on VH1 and came to Dimebag's page for more information. What an artist.

In any case, I'm disturbed by the editing of the neutralizing officer's name to include variations of the word 'nigger,' which has been emphacized and, in some cases, bolded. I admittedly don't know much about this topic, but I highly doubt its integrity as a result. I've never posted a comment on Wikipedia before, but I suggest someone fix this immediately.

Good day.

Vandalism in the Early Years section?


It seems as if theres a fair amount of vandalism in the Early Years section here (one comment including the phrase "Gay Camp").

Legacy Tribute Photos


Caption says Corey of Slipknot but the photo's of Reed from Stone Sour. Corey T isn't in any of the photos ~~~ 2A01:4B00:E038:FC00:35B7:34D6:343E:8B09 (talk) 14:01, 17 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]